Thursday, September 8, 2016
Hopping Robot V2
As mentioned in my last post, I had a couple of updates to pursue.
First, the hot glue was not holding.
Solution: I was using a low-heat version, so I went out and bought a new dual temp version at Home Depot.
Second, the battery holder I had was open, so the batteries fell out.
Solution: I found 5 closed ones on eBay for the same price as one open one at Radio Shack. These hold on carpet and wood but not concrete. This holder has an added advantage in that it has a switch, so I eliminated the slide switch (fewer connections is better).
Third, the motor flopped around the legs as opposed to the legs driving the robot.
Solution: I added a second bolt hot glued to the frame. It's not perfect, but better. Next option would be to use narrower legs, to make them lighter.
So, I'm going to declare victory here, and move on to The Mover now that I've got the fabrication down.