This experiment is deceptively straightforward. The only issue I had was a bad chip.
First, I mentioned in the last experiment that the slide switch was not breadboard friendly. The pins are not long enough and with only one row of pins it's not stable. I tried taking it apart with the intention of making a breakout board, but that proved to be harder than it should be (I should have left it together). So, I went to Radio Shack and found this. The advantage is that it's a DPDT and has 2 rows of pins, making it more stable.
So with a better switch, I tackled the experiment. Both circuits do the same thing. Debouncing means ignoring errant button pushes. Since latching logic gates set in the first impulse, anything further is ignored. We latch by feeding the outputs of each gate to one of the inputs to the other. The second input is connected to a pull-down (NOR) or pull-up (NAND) resistor and to one side of the switch. The pole of the switch (we only use one) is connected to Vcc (NOR) or GND (NAND).
Each output also powers a low current LED when it's HIGH.
NOR output is LOW unless both inputs are LOW. When the switch is towards a gate's input, that input goes H, making the output L. That gate's LED is off, and one input to the second gate is L. Since the switch is away from the second gate, that input is also L, making the output H, turning on the LED and making one input back to the other gate H, keeping it's output L and it's LED off. Switch to the other gate and one input goes H, making output L and both inputs to the other gate L and it's output H and LED on. It can only be in one state or the other. Debounced.
NAND works similarly. NAND output is H unless both inputs are H. The switch is connected to GND and each gate has 1 input connected to a side of the switch and a pull-up resistor. So, one input is H unless the switch is closed to that side, in which case it's output goes H,turning on the LED and feeding H to one input of the other gate. Since the switch is open to that side, it's pull-up resistor makes the other input H, making the output L, turning off it's LED and feeding L back to the non-switch input of the other gate, keeping it's output H until the switch is moved (or power to the circuit is cut).
Fun and interesting. Here's the video.
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